In eighth grade, I thought I was the only one who watched Freaks and Geeks. I would come to school the next day after a new episode had aired, and my excitement would fall on deaf ears. At least now I know that I wasn't the only one living vicariously through these kids. I mean sure, I was in a band, but I wasn't lucky enough to have gone to high school with James Franco. Only in my dreams...
Laura E. Marcus was born and raised in Montreal, Canada, leaving her beloved city for a Midwestern education in 2001. In 2006 she moved to New York City, putting pen to paper at various publications throughout the city. Her writing has been featured in TRACE, SPIN, Gotham, Los Angeles Confidential, Sur La Terre, Heeb and VenusZine. She lives on a quiet block in the East Village with her two cats Monsieur Petit Cochon and Mr. Littlejeans, but swears she's not a crazy cat lady.
Nice looking in your casual shirt. Looks good.